this's my second post on my blog. I want to tell about activity of ONLINErs if my teacher's absent. 14 oct 2010
After second breaktime is japanese, but the teacher's absent. I see the boys are play football in my class and permainan bola ini sangat rusuh ad yg maen tiban2n lah ad yg maen slengkat2n lah. because they're doesn't play again i go to the front class to see my friends activity. Akbar does play chess alone.Fadil's record ONLINErs activity with his handphone. And the girls play UNO but after they're play UNO the boys came to join and play together with the girls. 15 oct 2010. Because my teacher's absent today my friends're play laptop. Andre's play WARCRAFT,Gita's open her blog, nadine's play the house 2 but i'm gave the hints, and many more.
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