On December 3th, Mrs.Emmy invited ONLINErs to follow a program. All of we is accept that invite except Andre. When I say "Why you don't want to follow that program?" He answer "I am lazy. And what for I follow that program"
Before we went to Tebet, All boys(except Heru) is confused prayer than go or go then prayer. We search Mr.Salikun but We don't found him and We ask Mrs.Emmy. Mrs.Emmy told We are prayer then go. So we go to mosque for prayer jumuah.
In the bus, ONLINErs were played and annoy Nanco when he was confused and look likes wanted to vomited. We are go to Tebet via kalimalang. Before we arrive to place a program is held, I don't know where is the place.
At the building likes a planetarium, We saw the program, but the program likes a distribution of t-shirt. I are make a jokes with Nanco, Fadil, and Taqi. And we was annoy Yala with "Dipritakan, Rata-rata, and Devinisi". That was so funny.
But It was only 4 hours. I want much. But It was enough for refreshing before UTS.
[Watch *HD*] The Secret - Ein tödliches Geheimnis Full Movie
6 tahun yang lalu
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